Kumarparvata Trek

This trek is among the highest altitude trek around Bangalore, also it stands amongst the strenuous trek in the region. This trek is very beautiful and lengthy as well. This was my first trek in and around Bangalore and it still is my favorite trek.

Trek details

Trek Location230 kms from Bangalore
Trek length28 km
Trek duration2 days
Trek seasonAll season
Difficulty levelModerately difficult
Fitness level neededYou should be able to complete at least 5km under 40 minutes. Preparation of about 30 days with the same pace is a must.

My Journey

This was my first trek near Bangalore and the most difficult one as well. I went to this trek through an organizer and I was accompanied by three friends. We reached Kukke Subramanya from Bangalore by an overnight bus and after having breakfast we started the trek.

There were many experienced trekkers among the group and for me and my friends it was the first trek. We were taken aback by learning that this trek is a difficult trek and we have to reach the peak by 1-2 PM otherwise we won’t be able to make it back to the base before dawn. But how could you know your capabilities until you test them and with this mindset we started the trek. 

The trek started from a forest department gate and it was almost flat with little ascend. After 5km we reached the base (Bhattare Mane) where we’re supposed to stay for the night on the way back. There are a lot of burnt wood and fire places, local students and people come for picnics and camping till here. We left our extra luggage here and filled out water bottles to start the actual trek. 

On the way you’ll see a lot of wildlife, if lucky, the views, and the greenery . Do not forget to drink water at times and do not slow down. as half of the people from our group didn’t make it to the top. On the way the guide started telling us stories about how some people got lost on the way because they took the wrong way and as on our first trek we became a bit afraid and started walking faster to keep up and reach the peak. 

You’ll see Seshaparvata peak and Kumarparvata peak on the way, you’ll see straight mountains and deep trenches. After descending for some time, there was a steep climb till we reached Sheshparvata peak. We took pics at all those places keeping time in mind. According to me it does not matter if you reach the peak or not, but at least you should try for it. Though different people have different aims, some people chrome for fun and enjoyment, some people come for spending time with nature and some come for spending some time out of their regular life. So, it all depends from person to person. But we were there to reach the top. We encouraged each other, pushed each other, made fun of each other but stayed together. 

We could see where we had to go but couldn’t figure out exactly which point we had to reach. After descending for some time, the climb for Kumarparvata peak began and we pushed each other to reach the peak. We reached the peak at about 2:30 PM and the view from the peak was beautiful. Only 6 of us made it to the top from a group of 18 people. We were tired and hungry but we were enthusiastic and started exploring the area. We had some snacks and water and after having some rest we started our return journey.

The return journey was difficult because now we have to maintain the pace at the same time we have to be careful about our speed because if you start descending faster then on the steep paths you’ll not be able to control the speed and fall. We did the part carefully and by 6:15 we were at the base (Bhattara Mane). The dinner was prepared and being from the north I was not that much fan of rice and sambar. But that day I had rice, sambar and pickles as if it is the most amazing food available on this planet. The food was amazing and obviously I was tired so it tasted more delicious. 

Then the actual problem came while sleeping. As we all were sleeping in our sleeping bags in a single room, the tractors started. By tractors I mean snoring. That day I understood the different types of snoring, somebody is running a tractor, somebody is running a maruti, somebody is running a JCB and somebody is running a car. I don’t know and I never asked which vehicle I was running.

Next day we woke up and after getting fresh we started our journey back to Kukke Subramanya. We reached there in 2 hours and had our breakfast. After that we got into our bus and left for Bangalore.